Maplestory classes 2014
Maplestory classes 2014

maplestory classes 2014

Iron Arrow/Dragon Breath/Piercing Arrow have limited range compared to other skills. Pierce charges slowly and is not affected by Crossbow booster or Speed infusion. Both snipe and pierce are easily capped thus putting more funding into a mm only boosts strafe after a certain point

maplestory classes 2014

Going STRless is a lot easier to do compared to other classes due no STR requirement on armors.Applies to BowmastersĪs well, should change this to "Going low-STR is easier compared to Bowmasters due to needing less STR to equip their weapons" as crossbows require 5 less STR than bows. Their second job mob skill does not curve and stun like Arrow Bomb for Hunters, however. Good mobbing skills, starting from 2nd Job. They have the ability to freeze enemies in 3rd Job. (More space for potions/other use items) This applies to Bowmasters as well. Good mobility skills for the same reason as Bowmasters. Higher base damage due to needing less STR. Good amount of damage with pierce and snipe. Bowmasters arrows are bulky and cannot be potentialed, when compared to the ones mercedes get. Shares one of the most expensive Mastery books (Advanced Final Attack) with two (soon to be three Wild Hunters) Female Bowmasters can not obtain Decent Hyper Body.* Applies to Marksmen as well. Mechanic in their skills like jump-attacking on warriors/assassins). Can not jumpshoot (technically they can but it's not an applied Must stand still in order to attack (Hurricane). Applies to all archers (someone correct me on this). Elite puppet is very good for holding aggro away from you and for absorbing damage. Really good avoid/suvivability from illusion step in 4th job and good damage from afa and spirit link (which is also really good for hp). Hurricane is not affected by neither Booster nor Speed Infusion, meaning you do not have to waste money on Useful SI. Hurricane triggers Final Attack with every shot (obv at the % chance). They can use potions while attacking (Hurricane only). Arrow Bomb in 2nd Job has the ability to stun. Their second job mob skill (Arrow Bomb) curves and stuns, while theĬrossbowman counterpart (Iron Arrow) does not. Good mobbing skills, starting from 2nd Job. (More space for potions/other use items). They also have the highest speedcap at the moment and obtain the highest speed in 4th Good mobility skills in general, since they have Double Jump and somewhat Good amount of speed, thus good mobility. Good third job mobbing skills (Especially usefully at jesters etc)

maplestory classes 2014

One of the best 1 vs 1 attacking skills.

Maplestory classes 2014