Define bliss
Define bliss

According to the Pratiṣṭhālakṣaṇasamuccaya of Vairocana, the Śāktatantras are divided into to four parts, the Ānanda-tantra belonging to the Vāma class. The Śāktāgamas represent the wisdom imparted by Devī to Īśvara and convey the idea that the worship of Śakti is the means to attain liberation. Ānanda (आनन्द) or Ānandatantra refers to one of the twenty-three Vāmatantras, belonging to the Śāktāgama (or Śāktatantra) division of the Āgama tradition.

define bliss

Source: Shodhganga: Iconographical representations of Śiva (shaktism) O fair lady, know that (this) Kula teaching is internal and it pervades the entire universe along with the gods, demons and warlocks”. That (reality), which has been explained in many ways, is the five-fold energy in Kula.

define bliss

śaktiḥ pañcavidhā)-the fifth-is said to be Kuṇḍalī. ģ) Ānanda (आनन्द) or Ānandaśakti refers to the “energy of bliss” and represents one of the five-fold energy in Kula, according to the Kularatnapañcakāvatāra verse 1.16-23ab.-Accordingly, “Will, knowledge, action and bliss ( ānandaśakti- ānanda. This is, joy ( ānanda), an upward movement ( udbhava), a tremor ( kampa), sleep ( nidrā) and inebriation ( ghūrṇi) as the fifth”.Ģ) Ānanda (आनन्द) refers to “bliss” which is associated with Oḍḍiyāna, one of the sacred seats ( pīṭha), according to the Manthānabhairavatantra, a vast sprawling work that belongs to a corpus of Tantric texts concerned with the worship of the goddess Kubjikā.- The Wisdom Sūtra, which follows the Root Sūtra in chapter 26 and comments on it, explains that these five correspond to: 1) Oḍḍiyāna-Bliss ( ānanda), 2) Jālandhara-Drop of Bliss ( ānandabindu), 3) Pūrṇagiri-the Imperishable ( akṣara), 4) Kāmarūpa-the Supreme Energy ( paramā), and 5) Tisra-(pure) Energy ( kalā).

define bliss

Hrīṃ oṃ ānandāyai namaḥ Source: Google Books: Manthanabhairavatantramġ) Ānanda (आनन्द) refers to “joy”, according to the Manthānabhairavatantra, a vast sprawling work that belongs to a corpus of Tantric texts concerned with the worship of the goddess Kubjikā.-Accordingly, while discussing the outer signs of initiation: “The disciple who has been pierced by the (Supreme) Principle (experiences) the five-fold state. They should be worshipped with either the five upācāras or perfume and flowers. Ānandā (आनन्दा, “bliss, happiness”):-Name of one of the goddesses to be worshipped during Āvaraṇapūjā (“Worship of the Circuit of Goddesses”), according to the Durgāpūjātattva (“The truth concerning Durgā’s ritual”). Ananda in Shaktism glossary Source: Wisdom Library: Śāktism

Define bliss